Acid-resistant sealing membrane
For under-tile water proofing in pools, changing rooms, and leisure areas
- For interior and exterior use
- Effective under tile water proofing
- High chemical and mechanical resistance
Acid-resistant sealing membrane
For under-tile water proofing in pools, changing rooms, and leisure areas
Product information
2-part epoxy resin system for scattering with dry quartz sand, grain size 0.7 – 1.2 mm (type 2)
Approx. 2.6 kg/m² corresponding to 1.3 kg/m² per mm coat + approx. 3.5 kg sand.
10 kg units containing matching volumes of each component, A and B.
Sand is available in 25 kg bags.
Prior to tile fixing, any excess sand should be removed by vacuuming.
Suitable adhesives for subsequent tile fixing: Alfix NormalFix, mixed with 0.1 litre of Alfix FlexBinder per kg powder, Alfix ProFix or Alfix C2 Epoxy.
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Alfix A/S H.C. Ørsteds Vej 11-13 DK-6000 Kolding 13 |
Ydeevnedeklaration nr. 50 |
EN 14891 Alfix Epoxy membran Epoxybaseret tætningsmasse Inden- og udendørs anvendelse. EN14891: RM 02 P |
Vedhæftningsstyrke efter tørlagring | ≥ 0,5 N/mm2 | Vedhæftningsstyrke efter vandlagring | ≥ 0,5 N/mm2 |
Vedhæftningsstyrke efter varmelagring | ≥ 0,5 N/mm2 | Vedhæftningsstyrke efter lagring i kalkvand | ≥ 0,5 N/mm2 |
Vedhæftningsstyrke efter frost-tø lagring | ≥ 0,5 N/mm2 | Vandtæthed | Tæt, ≤ 20 g vægtforøgelse |
Vedhæftningsstyrke efter lagring i klorvand | ≥ 0,5 N/mm2 | Revneoverbygning ved normaltemperatur | ≥ 0,75 mm |
Revneoverbygning ved lav temperatur -5 °C | ≥ 0,75 mm | Farlige stoffer | Se sikkerhedsdatablad på |
Epoxy membrane has been tested at the German Institute: Amtl. Materialprüfanstalt für Steine und Erden, Clausthal-Zellerfeld and meets the requirements of the following standards: Prüfzeugnisse M 9954-1 and M 9954-2
For sealing of junctions between wall and floor, movement joints, internal corners, and around sanitary installations, prepare adapted pieces of Alfix Sealing strip to be subsequently bedded in a coat of Alfix Epoxy Primer.
Pipe penetrations and drains should be incorporating flanges ready to receive sealing strip and drain mats.
For interior and exterior under-tile water proofing in e.g. dairies, milking rooms, slaughterhouses, in- and outdoor swimming baths, and purification plants. Upon curing the membrane is water and liquid proof and resistant to a number of chemical and mechanical stresses.
Concrete in situ and concrete slabs, older than 3 months.
Cohesive strength should be min. 1.5 N/mm²
The surface should be pretreated with Alfix Epoxy Primer scattered with quartz sand. Drying time for primer is approx. 16 hours. The surface should be completely saturated with sand.
Remove any excess sand by sweeping or vacuuming when cured.
Add full content of component B into component A and mix the two components using slowly rotating paddle attached to electric drill. Mix thoroughly for approx. 3 minutes.
Working time is approx. 45 minutes at +20°C.
Apply membrane as 2 coatings in order to obtain even, fully covering layers of each 1 mm. Embed Sealing strip and drain mat into the first layer.
Apply by short pile paint roller or by 4 x 4 mm notched trowel. Allow first layer to dry before applying the second. Curing time is approx. 16 hours at +20°C
First layer must not exceed the age of 48 hours before second layer is to bed applied.
Scatter with dry quartz sand, type 2, over the still wet coating of Alfix Epoxy membrane until the surface is completely saturated and will provide a sandpaper-like finish. If possible, use sand blasting gun.
According to Danish legislation, working with epoxide products requires special training.
To improve slip resistance on walls, add 2 – 3% thixotropic admix. For further details, contact our Service Technical Dept.
Residues from Alfix Epoxy Membrane on tools should be removed immediately upon use with ethanol.
Once cured, membrane can only be removed mechanically.